1863-02-19 | Newport News, Va. |
Newport News, Va. Feb. 19th I863 Dear Parents I am again trying to write a few lines for your perusal. We got that box of things last night. Everything had kept in the best condition of any box I have seen in the company. The cakes were excellent. We also had a visit from Esq Emery and Farr and Dr. Borden of Tioga. They are on a visit to their friends and acquaintances in the army but they have had a very bad time for their try, for it has stormed and rained for the past two days making it very unpleasant but we have our little huts done so that we are very comfortably situated. We have as pleasant a camp as can be found but still this does not make Soldiering pleasant but we make the best of it we can. I have nothing of importance to write nor can I think of anything interesting so my letter will necessarily be short but you are used to reading short letters from me therefore will not be as disappointed. After I had written my last letter Jehiel was in our tent and he is anxious to get his boots as there is some prospect of our staying here some time. You may send that box the first opportunity. Those gloves, if you have not sent them, you kneed not but be sure and have them on hand for we do not have any chance of getting such work done here and send the shirts and socks and if you can get a bottle of Arnica linament send it and whatever you wish besides. That butter was one of the best I have seen since I left home. I do not know but you will think I am riding a poor horse to death but I will try to make it all up sometime. You spoke of sending stamps. They will come acceptable at any time. We do not get stamps here now. When we get paid off I will try and send enough home to pay the express charges on the boxes. I don't know that I have anything more to write at present. Write as often as you can. I will answer Ella's letter and put in this envelope. Direct the box the same as a letter. This from your Affectionate Son. J .D. Strait Direct to Newport News, Va. This tie is for John |