1862-10-17Pleasant Hall Md
Pleasant Hall Md

Oct 17th I862

Friday Evening

Dear Parents

I am almost ashamed of myself for not writing to you before. I have rec'd three letters from you since I have written you but I have not felt like writing and we have been on the march for 5 days of the past week. Last Saturday we were getting ready for Sunday inspection when the order came to be ready to march in 12 minutes and we were off. We took the cars at the station nearby and were off for Frederick City. We reached there at midnight marched through the city and then lay down for the night. Sunday we lay around the outskirts of the city and at night started back for the Point of rocks on the Potomac where we arrived about 9 evening. We marched from thereabouts through mist and rain about 3 miles and lay till morning then went down to Nolens Ferry and staid till Wednesday morning then came back to our old camp, a march of 15 miles which we made that day and a gladder lot of boys you never saw that we were to get back. We were called out to reenforce the troops at Frederick City. The Rebels were said to be over the line and into Pa with a large force but we saw nothing of them. The Regt that Uncle Norm is in is quartered at Frederick. He'd gone to Sharpsburg when we got to the City so I did not see him. Yesterday there was heavy firing toward Williamsport but I have not learned the result yet, but the Rebs are trying to make a strike somewhere but I think they will get tired of that before long. I have no more news of importance to write this time. Please excuse my neglect and I will do better in future. I have not time to write any more this time for l must go to wash my clothes and clean up my gear and be ready for inspection. We have nearly 4 months pay due and I hope we shall get the whole amount together so I can send it all home together. I do wish I had those boots you got for me and could not send to me. If we get into winter quarters where I can get anything l shall send home for some things by and by that is if they can be sent. Tell Grandmother Strait I have not rec'd any letters from her but nevertheless I will write to her when I get time but I must close hoping to hear from you soon so good by for the present. This from your Affectionate Son.

J.D. Strait