1864-08-25 | Camp 45th Regt P.V.V. |
Camp 45th Regt Pvv Aug 25th, 1864 Dear Parents It is with pleasure that I attempt to write a fiew lines for your perusal. It has been some time since I have written or rec'd a letter from you. This is Thursday and no letter from home yet but I presume there will be one today. I should have written before but we have been on the move for the past week so that we have had but little chance for writing. There has been another engagement near Petersburg which has resulted in the accomplishment of a grand scheme for which Genl Grant has long been working and gained with comparatively small loss. The Weldon RR is now ours and in securing this, which is one of the Rebel's grand thoroughfares South we have accomplished one grand object toward cutting off the Rebels communication from Richmond, which must be completed before we can succeed in taking their Capitol which must be accomplished before this war will end. The fifth Corps was engaged and lost the heaviest. Two divisions of our Corps were engaged, one division was not engaged. Col. Carle was captured with nearly all of his Regt. I do not know what the entire loss on our side was. The Rebels loss was very heavy. We are now some 2 miles South of our old position in the line. We have a very good camp with the exception of water and the prisoners are digging a well so I presume we will not be bothered long for that. There is not news of importance to communicate. We were payed off day before yesterday. That decides the W questions. We are fast for two years longer. There was strong report one spell that we were illegally mustered and the government wouldnt hold us but that is all up now. I will send the $15 home soon. Col. Hills is going home soon and it will be safer a flew days to wait and send by him than risk by express or mail. I am anxious to have it at home for it is not safe keeping it here for we do not know when we are going into action. I hope you will get that hundred from Westfield township and the first enstallment of the county bounty that will make $350.00 this fall. If you do get that from Westfield you had better pay that judgment at the Borough the first thing and stop interest. I want that $100 that I will send by Hills kept for it is on interest and worth while to keep unless there is some good investment to be made, though if you want to use it do so for it is better to ware out than rust out. If you need it to finish the house take it. When I send money I will send a letter by the Col so that you will get it all at once but I must close. I presume there will be a letter from you this afternoon. If l have time before the mail leaves, I will acknowledge it. I am well and hoping this will find you the same. Good by for this time. your ever Affectionate Son J.D. Strait |