1862-11-01Watterford, Va.
Watterford, Va.

Nov. lst 1862

Dear Parents

This morning finds me scribbling a fiew lines to you. We have just returned from a tour of 48 hours of picketing and two nights without much sleep and I do not feel much like writing but we are to march early tomorrow morning and I do not know as I shall get a chance to write again very soon so I thought I must write a fiew short lines so that you would not worry about me if you do not hear from me very soon. We had a good time on picket duty among the Secesh. There are but few Union people around here except in the town. There is an independent Co in this village who are patrolling the roads. They are well acquainted with the country and have every advantage equal with the Rebels. They have been engaged in several little skirmishes in which they generally come off first and best. Our Secesh scrip is good with some of the inhabitants so we get along very well. For the extras when out on picket the boys pass a good amount of it that is struck off in Philadephia. It is full as good as the genuine notes of importance to communicate. Troops have been passing on toward Leesburg today. The 136th Regt passed through today just before we got in off picket so I did not get a chance to see Uncle Norman but if we march tomorrow I presume I shall get a chance to meet him before many days, I hope so at least. There has been some heavy firing in the direction of Winchester today and I presume if there is any fighting to be done, the old 45th will have a hand in it. We are not over anxious for the fray to begin, if we have to take part, nor are we afraid to meet the foe as our former actions I think will speak for themselves. The drums have beat for roll call so you will have to excuse me for this time. The boys are all well as usual except Henry. He is coughing but I hope will soon be well. We lost one of our Corporals by the name of J. E. Jones. He died today. He had been complaining for some time, no one thought him dangerous but death has relieved him of his pain and troubles here on earth. I must bid you good night. Please write soon to your Affectionate Son.

J.D. Strait

Direct as usual