1862-08-30 | Acquia Creek, Va. |
Acquia Creek, Va. August 30, 1862 Dear Parents It is with pleasure that I now attempt to answer your kind and welcome letter of the 24th.. I rec'd your letter yesterday and it is needless for me to tell you that I was glad to hear from home. When thinking of home and it associations it does not seem but a little while since I was there but when I read your letter it seems almost an age since I left that sacred spot home. The many changes that must come ere we can be released from our present bondage and flee for rest to our friends and parents who no doubt are waiting with anxiety for our safe return, but we must not complain for we are defending a just cause and if our lives are spared until the war is over and we are permitted to return safe we can enjoy the society of dear friends and parents with a greater relish and it is my oppinion that I for one at least shall know how to appreciate home. I thought I knew how before but I find I knew nothing of the comfort of a home in reality for I did not know then so well as now what it was to be deprived of the comfort of a good bowl of corn bread and milk. We get plenty of milk here for 5 cts a pint but we lack the Johnny cake but never mind we will be free some day, then we will make up for lost time but enough of this. As to war news I hardly know what to write. At one time we hear that our men are going to evacuate Fredricksburg and at another that they have got Lee or Jackson surround with their whole force but I do not know what is going on, only that they are fighting every day and that the Rebels are around the vicinity of Fredricksburg. Yesterday afternoon there the pickets were driven in and our men are shipping everything away from there to this place and I think there is but little danger of our men leaving this place very soon. Our men are playing a desperate game, one that will either end the strife or else prolong the war for years. I think they will trip old Stonewall yet and get him caged. The rebels are back to Manassas again but how long they will remain there I do not know. I hope long enough for Pope to bag the whole possey of them I do not know that I have anything more of importance to communicate at present. The boys are all well as usual. Philo is complaining a little but l hope nothing serious. But that affair at Troy I think a shameful opperation. The boys would have done a good deed if they had found hemp and a good limb some place and made an example of them. If we had a few less Rebels at home this war would progress faster and be ended sooner than it can now. I think if our men would drive all the Secesh beyound the lines here, they would have less news of their movement going through to the Rebels lines than there is now. I saw several Union citizens yesterday from near Manassas that had left before hand that Jackson was coming there for they had heard it hinted by some that knew of his movements and they probably keep the old rascal posted as to the moves of our men, and Jackson knows just when we are on the move. But I have written enough I guess for the present. Give my respects to all enquiring friends but the best share for yourself. Please write soon so good by. This from your Affectionate Son. J.D. Strait To Ethan Strait and Julania Direct as usual |